SFMA March Madness
$20 per bracket (no limit)
The payouts will be:
1st place- 75% of winning pot
2nd place- 15% of winning pot
3rd place- 10% of winning pot
We will keep everyone posted on the dollar amounts once registration has closed.
The more people who play, the more money there is to win!
YOUR BRACKET WILL BE REMOVED IF WE DO NOT RECEIVE PROMPT PAYMENT. PLEASE SUBMIT ELECTRONIC PAYMENTS ONLY (note: you do not need a PayPal account to check out as a guest) before completing your bracket(s).
SPA Eligible!
Payment must be received by the start of the first game or your bracket will be removed from the tournament.
Must add Bracket Name to match payments.
Brackets are SPA eligible, please include student name at time of payment.
Please note the percentages above are after a portion of the proceeds were given to Spring-Ford Music Association benefiting all Spring-Ford Music students.
Start your bracket here: SFMA Brackets PASSWORD: SFMA@rams
Good Luck & thank you for supporting SFMA!