Fundraising & events
SFMA Designer Purse Bingo
Friday, March 28, doors open at 6pm
First game called at 7pm
Table reservations (8 tickets) and single tickets available
Each ticket includes 3 cards per game, 10 games total
Extra cards and daubers available for purchase at the event
Raffles, 50 / 25 / 25, and door prizes!
Click here for more information or to purchase tickets

Looking for a way to pay for your student's upcoming trips and activites? We have an opportunity that helps you raise the funds you need! In anticipation of Disney 2026 and other music trips in between, SFMA is happy to announce a new opportunity that allows students a 100% SPA!
This is a simple calendar format that students can print out. There is a calendar for each music department that the students can choose from.
How it works:
​A student prints their desired calendar page.
The student prints their name legibly on the right hand side.
The student asks 'donors' to fill it in.
A donor selects a 'date' and signs their name.
The donor gives the student the amount that corresponds with that date (ie. $18 on the 18th)
There are 4 bonus days that any amount can be donated.
The student fills in as much of the calendar they desire.
The student turns in the calendar and the money (cash or check to SFMA only).
Turn in to SFMA blue box in Band Hallway or Mail to SFMA​
PO BOX 131
Royersford, PA 19468
SFMA deposits the entire amount to the students' SPA account.
One calendar has the potential to yield almost $500 and there is no limit to how many a student turns in! This can pay for multiple trips if a student is driven. ​There is no due date. This can be ongoing.
Tips for a successful calendar fundraiser:
Post about your fundraiser daily or every other day.
Include other photos with your calendar post, like action shots and other activity related photos
Reach out directly to family members and former members and ask for donations
Always thank your donors by tagging them in specific thank you posts
We will only be accepting cash or checks for this. The students are free to collect Venmo, cash or whatever means, so long as they submit their calendar with cash or a check to SFMA.
This IS an honor system. We are not able to track if a student prints this and collects money unless they turn it in.
Calendar Fundraiser

Order now through Sunday March 27.
A variety of 17 different flavors in mild, medium and hot.
$8 per jar
SPA Eligible
Be ready for Cinco De Mayo!
$20 per bracket.
Payment must be received by the start of the first game or your bracket will be removed from the tournament.
Must add Bracket Name to match payments.
Brackets are SPA eligible, please include student name at time of payment.